Born in ZamokiL, Palarkri.
Raised in slavery...
Ahrmid ZamoKeeLy, Prince of Narghan.
Slave, Gladiator, Rebel,
Mercenary, Soldier, Defender,
Warrior, Devotee and Knight.
Hunted the Broo and walked with the TroLL.
Composed the song and the poetry
Just for the pleasure and vanity
of a Century Old Giant Guardian.
Heir to The Treasures of Elder Times Kings.
Empowered by The Might of Their Elder Gods.
Questing in Dungeons and beating the odds.
TraveLer of Plains and kiLLer of Phomorians.
Touched by the Hands of Almighty Humakt;
Lord of the Truth and Death and Rebirth.
Blessed for the WiLL of Abundant Ernalda;
Woman of Fertility and Lady of the Earth.
Berserked by the Power of Great Storm BuLL's Axe;
Opposing all entropy, the Slayer of Chaos.
Favored in the Eyes of Adventurous Orlanth;
Lord of thunder and King of the Gods.
True Friend of the Archer King BalzaK; Lord of the AnimaL Plain, Ruler of Happy Hunting Grounds.
Ahrmid ZamoKeeLy, Prince of Narghan...
The bLue skinned HERO.
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